From Pillows to Supplements, Here’s How to Get Better Sleep

Getting enough sleep is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes it’s easier said than done. Lack of adequate sleep can negatively impact your life by contributing to memory issues, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and numerous mental and physical health issues. Unfortunately, many of us are stuck in a cycle of tossing and turning for hours, never getting the deep, restorative rest we need.
It’s time to break the cycle and jump-start your journey to better sleep. In this article, you’ll find tips from top sleep experts on improving your sleep, from pillow selection to supplements. Whether you’re looking for simple changes or a more comprehensive solution, we’ve got you covered. Read on to learn how to get the best rest of your life.
Pillow Power
A good pillow is essential for sleeping well. For example, a pillow for stomach sleepers can be a great comfort for those who enjoy sleeping in this position, while a firmer pillow might be necessary for those who sleep on their back or side. To decide which is best for you, experiment with different types of pillows until you find one that provides the exact support you need.
Having the right pillow can make all the difference in getting a good night’s sleep. Not only will it provide neck and back support, but it can also minimize tossing and turning during the night by keeping your spine properly aligned. In addition, having the right type of pillow for your preferred sleep position will prevent discomfort and stiff muscles.
Comfort Is Key
Having a comfortable sleeping space can help you sleep better and wake up feeling rested and refreshed. Frequently overlooked details — such as ideal temperature, air quality, and noise levels — play a huge role in maintaining a comfortable, relaxing sleep environment.
To get comfortable before bed, wear cozy, sleep-appropriate clothing; avoid tight fabrics and articles made from synthetic materials. Also, consider using a fan or humidifier to make sure your bedroom stays at an ideal temperature. Air-conditioning units and heaters can be helpful for counteracting extremely hot or cold temperatures. Some people find weighted blankets helpful for sleeping as well.
Having a clean room is also essential for getting good sleep. Dusting and vacuuming your bedroom regularly can prevent dust mites, pet dander, and other allergens from accumulating in your bedding and linens. Additionally, keeping your windows open during the day is important to allow fresh air to circulate freely throughout your room.
Regular Exercise Is A Must!
Exercise is one of the most effective techniques for improving sleep quality; however, many people struggle with finding time in their busy schedules for regular physical activity. Regular exercise helps burn off stress hormones and produce endorphins that can enhance relaxation in preparation for bedtime.
Regular exercise improves physical health by increasing muscle strength and burning calories. It also regulates hormones associated with mood swings such as serotonin and cortisol, as well as melatonin — the hormone responsible for setting our circadian rhythms. Additionally, exercise may increase alertness during the day while helping promote better sleep at night.
Finding time to exercise during your day can be difficult; however, exercising earlier in the evening can help improve sleep quality without negatively affecting energy levels in the morning. Additionally, opting for low-level activities like yoga or walking will help promote relaxation rather than releasing adrenaline through high-intensity exercises, which can disrupt nighttime slumber.
Diet: The Root Of It All
Eating a healthy diet helps maintain our physical health, and it can play a huge role in how well we sleep due to its effects on metabolism and hormones associated with stress levels and alertness. Consuming foods that are high in tryptophan or magnesium-rich — such as nuts, eggs, fish, and dark leafy greens — can increase serotonin production in our bodies, which can promote restfulness at night. Including complex carbohydrates from whole grains in your diet can prevent blood-sugar spikes that might negatively impact sleep cycles. If you’re going to have a snack before bed, eat at least two hours before you plan to go to sleep and stick to light snacks, such as whole-grain crackers or fruit, which can provide fuel without making you feel too full to sleep comfortably.
Limit caffeine consumption after midday, as drinking too much caffeine late into the evening can increase alertness and disrupt your regular sleeping cycles. Moreover, consuming alcohol close before bedtime might make you feel tired initially but ultimately disrupts sleep due to its dehydrating effects, which may cause you to wake up in the middle of the night more frequently than you would otherwise.
Supplements: Should You Take Them?
While sleeping pills may provide fast results, long-term usage is not recommended. Fortunately, there are plenty of natural alternatives available for promoting restful sleep — such as dietary supplements containing herbs like chamomile, valerian root, or passion flower extract — which can have calming effects that promote relaxation and restfulness. Still, it’s best to take them at least an hour before bedtime to allow time for them to take full effect.
Some supplements that have been found effective in regulating sleep patterns and reducing muscle tension include melatonin and magnesium; tryptophan is also linked to calming effects. However, it’s important to read labels carefully and check for any ingredients that may interact with existing medications or cause unwanted reactions.
Supplements reduce irritability and improve sleep depth, leading to a quicker transition to dream states and improved mental clarity throughout the day. However, before starting any supplement regimen, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional to avoid any potential adverse interactions with existing medications or individual health needs.
Summing Up
A good night’s sleep is essential for overall physical and mental health, yet many of us struggle to get restful sleep. Following the tips outlined in this article, you can start your journey to better sleep. Making simple changes to your lifestyle, such as getting a better pillow and regulating the temperature of your room, can help you get the rest you need. You can also consider supplements that have calming effects and boost serotonin levels; just make sure to check with your doctor before taking any supplement. With a few changes, you can improve your sleep quality and start feeling more energized and refreshed in the morning.
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